Thursday, March 10, 2005

Always Aim Low!!

No, I'm not talking about kneeing your mate in the groins, but I'm talking about work. Here's some words of wisdom from grandpa George.

Working is all about managing expectations. Now I'm sure those of you who are still in university are probably rearing to go and get into a new fancy plush job. Undoubtedly, most of you would slave away and jump into the deep end from day one to impress your bosses and claim that coveted raise or promotion. You are going to bust your ass day and night for your company and work all those extra long hours. Its only with experience and after you start noticing a few grey hairs ( not necessarily on your balding head), that you stop and think. What is the point of meeting all those deadlines way before they were needed? What is the point of staying back after everyone's left to try and sort out everyone's issues? What is the point of clearing that In-tray as fast as it gets filled up? Thats when it dawns on you that the faster you work, the more work you get. Showing initiative and drive gets you the occasional and sometimes frequent pat-on-the-back. But....whats the use of that? You'll still be paid the same. No matter how many late nights you pull, you'll still get raised eyebrows if you come in 10 minutes late in the morning.

Network administration is a real thankless job. No one remembers how many months all the systems were working perfectly. But if people aren't able to browze ebay for 5 minutes due to some socket error, christ on a raft, you've had it. Everyone goes " George, is the server down AGAIN??!!!??".... what the hell???!! what do you mean, AGAIN? When was the last time this happened, 6 months ago?? That's a heck of a record to keep a company's network up and going. But OH NO!!! All the urgent and life and death emails are pending to come NOW....exactly when the bleeding server went down!!!
Needless to say, I haven't had a great day. And so, boys and girls, always keep people's expectations low.


At March 14, 2005 3:23 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well..thats why my funda in life is..Aim low, achieve ur goals and avoid disappointment


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