Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Get out of the way Geriatrics!!

Now don't get me wrong, I like old people and I don't bully them. But one can't help getting impatient with them.

First of all, they always start their sentences with "You know son, when you get to my age...". For f**k's sake. Everything pales in significance in comparison to their life's accomplishments. Just yesterday, I was moaning about how my legs were aching and that I was surviving on pain killers. Well one of the many geriatrics that work here said, "You know son, when you get to my age, that's when you understand what a true knee ache is. I can't climb the stairs to the office without bringing tears to my eyes. You climbed Helvellyn. That's nothing. I climbed Mt. Kilamnajaro when I was your age." SO F**KING WHAT??? Reducing my death defying adventure to a mere stroll over a mole hill doesn't make my leg pain any less!!

And talking about climbing up stairs, that's another place when they piss me off. Have you ever been stuck behind a really old guy/lady while climbing an extremely narrow flight of stairs.? They huff and puff and hold on to the railing for dear life and won't let anyone squeeze past them. You end up going up at a rate of 1 step per minute while all the time getting an excellent view of their wrinkled arse.

Then there's the issue of yacking for ages and ages. Here I was buried in work when another geriatric comes and just stands behind me. She simply stands there without saying a word. She was mentally willing me into asking her why she was there. So eventually when a hole burnt into the back of my neck where she was staring at, I decided to quip " Wussup?". With that short prologue, she went into a story which suffice to say, wasted 30 minutes of my life which I will never get back. Needless to say, it had nothing to do with work, but the main characters in the plot were her husband (who has a desperate need for a 42 inch flat screen tv), her disabled sister (who makes birthday cards as a hobby) and her mum ( who really can't do much at all). Trust me, it took a lot of effort not to glaze over while she was rattling away.

Then finally there's the technophobic attitude. We can't really have that in a company thats selling cutting edge tecnology, can we? The real tech savvy geriatrics are the ones who know how to use Word and Excel. PowerPoint is a bit too much for them to grasp. Forget Access. There's also the issue that they can't cope with software upgrades. I completely floored some of the geriatrics here by simply upgrading the network from using Office XP to Office 2003. Lord alive, the chaos that reigned those first few weeks. They couldn't check mail, they couldn't write mail, they couldn't open their files. For the worst of them, I downgraded them back to old Office XP just so that they don't have daily anginas. I mean, I don't want to be held responsible for putting them under undue stress.

I honestly don't think that our generation would ever turn out like the previous one. Most of us are constantly keeping with the times and technology isn't something to be afraid of.


At March 16, 2005 8:57 pm, Blogger Calvin said...

well dude, who knows what technology lies ahead, and then our kids will think the same things about us.. "what!! they used the internet and i-Pods?? how primitive!!"

At March 17, 2005 12:37 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...




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