Friday, May 06, 2005


There's been quite a fuss over 05/05/05 though I really can't see why. The number of emails I've got regarding how spectacular this number is was quite surprising. We had 04/04/04 last year. We will have 06/06/06 next year and 07/07/07 the year after that. I'd be more worried about 06/06/06 if I were you. Quite a few people think that it would be the end of the world...The arrival of the anti-Christ 666.

05/05/05 was more important as it was Election day here in the UK. Its quite bizarre but the first time that I've voted in my life for a general election is in a country that I'm not even a citizen. I was never able to vote in India as I'm registered in the voting list in Trivandrum and I've never been in Trivandrum on election day.

The Labour party under Tony Blair has won a historic third term in government but at a drastically smaller majority than last time. It has been done before by Margaret Thatcher but she belonged to the Tories (Conservatives). If you look at the map provided by BBC showing the results distributed geographically, it looks like there's a heck a lot of blue everywhere. How on earth did the Labour Party win when there's so much blue everywhere. Its possibly got to do with the population density of London and the turnout there. Unfortunately the seat from the constituency of Lancaster & Wyre went to the damn Conservatives.

Its funny how different election issues affect different people. No one looks at all the issues and judges a party accordingly. People are inherently selfish and want the government to bend over backwards for what they want. Take myself for example. The main reason why I voted Labour was that they were more relaxed towards immigration rules and permitted foreigners to work here in the UK. However, the Conservatives have been catering to the other side by advocating tighter immigration controls and more border police and quotas on work permits. Screw them. Vote Labour. Secondly, both Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats would have introduced policies that would have led to me paying a higher Council tax. Ani and I are a dual income family and so we would have been jacked more under their new rules. Screw them. Vote Labour. Thirdly, I think Michael Howard is an ass. He has that look, if you know what I mean. He doesn't seem like a nice guy. Bloody Polish immigrant. ;) He constantly patronizes people and talks really slowly like as though he is trying to communicate to a non-English speaking person. Screw him. Vote Labour.

The only reason my aunt wanted to vote Conservative was because she felt that the National Health Service (NHS) under Labour put too much pressure on doctors. Guess what? She's a doctor. She doesn't care that the NHS under Labour has made huge improvements for patients. All she worries about is how much her malpractice insurance would go up if Labour continued. Well I'm sorry aunty. Cough it up. A colleague of mine wanted Labour out due to the ban on hunting that was recently imposed. It goes on and on.

We are all so inward looking and keep bitching about the government not doing enough for us. Give those guys a break. Its not easy to cater to the individual whims and fancies of millions of people. After all, the Labour party has a socialist background. The greater good for the many and not for the few. More people have to get out and vote. We can't be armchair critics and moan about the government for every little thing and then not bother to go out there and vote. In this day and age, when postal voting is an option, there is no excuse for not voting. What is the use of a democracy when only barely 50% of the people vote. Who will listen to the other 50%? No one. Unless you get off your lazy arse and DO something about it.


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