Monday, April 18, 2005

A completely different week

Last week was quite unique for us. All through KGP and even Lancaster Uni, Ani and I have always been the couple and we've hung out with a bunch of other singles. There were the odd couples here and there, but they were few and far in between. Most of the time, the other couples spent time alone coochicooing instead of being with all of us. However, we've always been in a group. It was fun and cool in its own way. Last week we went to a friend's house for dinner not expecting any other company. However, we barely entered the house before we heard the familiar lilt of that awful language, Bengali. No offence to Bengalis. If you aren't Bengali, all that ami thumi stuff really hurts the ears. Even saying I love you doesn't sound romantic. "Ami thumaki balo bashi". Anyway, where were we?

We entered our friend's place to, only to be greeted by three Bong couples. And a bong stag. Nativity aside, the evening went by in quite a grown up fashion. The women all went to the kitchen to talk and then to bring the men the beers. Awesome. Being served. We argued about everything under the sun. Another thing bongs are famous for. We argued about who was the better actor, Amitabh Bacchan (bong favorite) or Mohanlal ( my favorite). Then we argued about if outsourcing was good for the country or not. Then the topic reverted to a popular topic among newly employed people. Work Permits and job offers. However, inane the whole evening may sound to you, it was actually quite fun. Way different to going out with friends and getting shit faced in a club and staggering back in a taxi.

What else happened this week? Oh yeah, I paraded Ani in front of a few relatives as well as my old school Principal. Everyone adores her and thinks I'm very lucky. What crap. She's lucky to have me ;) We also went to Cambridge. Its a small beautiful romantic little town. I took Ani on a river punt. Not that I did any punting, I just sat beside her and let the guide do all the rowing. I'll be gallant and dashing next time we go. This time, I wanted to enjoy the ride too. We'll put up a few pics soon.

I also got my new phone. The sexy Samsung D500. Its such a beauty. I've been playing around with it most of this week, at work as well as at home. Anyway, all in all, quite an exhausting week really. Way more hectic than usual.


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